Testing and quality control of software is indispensable for software quality assurance. The diagram on the right shows more clearly what these two elements are used in software quality assurance. Noda implements a detailed and accurate quality assurance process at every level.


Software quality assurance is more than just a service we offer, it is a method we adopt to approach perfection in every project we carry out. Noda's advantages in quality assurance:

  • Our quality assurance team works independently of our software development team.
  • Our quality assurance processes are mature processes that embrace the principles of continuous improvement and transparency.
  • Manual and automatic function and stress tests we carry out.
  • Our ability to integrate our processes with you upon your request..

Why Quality Assurance is Vital ?

Integrating a mature quality assurance methodology with larger software development processes is the most effective practice in any situation. Noda does not start any project (no matter what type) without integrating the quality assurance process. Experiences in the software industry have proven that quality assurance practices increase software reliability and quality while significantly reducing error rates.

Quality control is one of the project items that should be taken seriously, especially when developing security-first systems.


Our Quality and Environmental Commitments

  • We will not harm the ecological balance with all our activities.,
  • We will work to improve the environmental awareness of our stakeholders.,
  • Minimizing the waste generated during our activities at the source; We will ensure that waste is reused and recycled whenever possible, and that unused waste is disposed of with appropriate methods.,
  • We will ensure efficient use of energy, raw materials and natural resources.,
  • We will comply with our legal obligations, applicable environmental legislation and the terms of the organizations of which we are a member.,
  • We will adapt the philosophy and systems of continuous improvement to the MANAGEMENT SYSTEM in all processes, and by constantly improving its effectiveness, we will internalize it in all personnel and in this direction, we will increase our market share, profitability and competitiveness.,
  • By following the technological innovations in the sector simultaneously with the world, we undertake to meet the needs and expectations of our customers in accordance with the management system conditions with our management team and trained modern personnel..